Remembering Peter…

Dear MGA Members,

We are all blessed with so many wonderful people, events and things in our lives.  The recent and unexpected passing of Peter has shaken us out of our complacency to remember, and hopefully place new value on the blessings we enjoy.  Peter is a blessing that we all share in many different forms; a friend, a golf buddy, a philanthropist, and so much more.  I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Peter as well or as long as many of you.  To me, he always beat me to "Hello," in the parking lot and was quick with a smile.  When I joined Quail a few short years ago, I was delighted to find that Peter was a member.   I learned several years ago of his and Jackie's care for the future of our community through their involvement with the Future Citizens Foundation Pay It Forward Scholarship and Mentoring program.  Through their donations, and Peter's involvement as a mentor, they had a direct impact on the youth of Monterey County.   Peter is a blessing that lives on through his family and friends and community involvement.

Attached is a tribute to Peter.  You are the authors and we saw it fitting to put together this tribute to share with the MGA as a whole and with Peter's family.   Please note the tributes were collected from several email chains.  Undoubtedly, there were additional messages in other email that were missed and are not included.  Thank you to all MGA members who shared their thoughts about our friend Peter. 

Stay safe and stay well.  Take of yourself and take care of your family and friends.

My very best to each of you. 


Photos from June 2020 MGA Breakfast


Making a difference the MGA way!