Monterey Bay League 8-Man Matches Are Back
The popular home-and-away 8-Man matches are back for 2021. The League consists of Bayonet, Carmel Valley Ranch, The Club at Pasadera, Tehama, Crazy Horse and Quail. The format two-person teams playing three simultaneous matches – two individual and one team four ball. The total possible points are 6 for each team and 24 for each club. The first flight, which plays from the tips, requires an index of 6.0 or less. An index of 20.4 is required for the other matches. All qualified Quail male golf members are invited to play.
If you are interested in playing, please contact Rick Thau ( or Bill Yakobovich ( They are the 8-Man Captains who will arrange Quail’s teams for the matches as indicated below. Post-round food and beverage will be determined by the COVID restrictions at the time.
Click here to view the schedule.