2020 Annual Report

Dear Gentlemen of the MGA,

Attached, please find the 2020 annual report for the Quail MGA.  This report would normally be presented at our annual meeting held in December.  Given our current situation the board presents you with this written version.  Many thanks to all contributed to the report and to Tom McGurn for compiling and Rich Chew for distribution.

Of particular note, the annual meeting is when we elected the following year’s board of directors.  In the report the 2021 slate is provided for your review and consideration.  I will be sending a separate email formally presenting the slate for your vote.  No action is required on your part with regard to this email.  Specific instructions on how to vote will be in the following email.

Stay safe, stay well and stand by.

Barry Phillips
2020 MGA Captain

Correction: An addition to the report is an update on the Scholar’s Cup.  See the report to the Scholar’s Cup committee below from Dave Barrett.


As of 11/25 we have received $44,681.67 from 82 donations. I expect at least one more donation, and usually we get a few “year end” contributions. I believe we ended with 67 players, and I heard very few complaints. My thanks to all you’re your efforts in making this an extraordinary tourney. Considering the difficult times  I believe we achieved our goal to keep building for the continuation of scholarships.

Dave Barrett


Game On! December 2020


2020 Scholar’s Cup Results